How to Create Time to Workout
“I don’t have time to train.
Last minute meeting was booked.
I have to fly out this evening”
CEO’s are known for their crazy schedules and limited time to dedicate to their health and wellness. Statistics from a Harvard Business review in 2006 highlights the key stats from a CEO schedule:
On average, working 9.7 hours per week day
Conducted business on 79% of weekend days and 70% on vacation days
Average working week was 62.5 hours
6.9 hours of sleep per night
9% of their non work hours per day spent on an exercise routine (45 minutes per day)
Daily schedule planned/coded into 15 minutes blocks
75% of schedule pre planned, 25% spontaneous
36% of work time spend reacting to a crisis or problem
Three key statistics that caught my eye:
75% of CEO’s schedules are pre-planned
9% of their non-work hours per day, spent on an exercise routine (45 minutes per day)
and an average working week was 62.5 hours.
It is obvious that successful business people are crazy busy, spending a large portion of their time at working or conducting business but they still block out time dedicated to their own personal health and wellness.
From my research and experience working with CEO’s some of the tips and tricks that have successfully helped my clients “create” more time in their schedule include:
Increase Activity Level
Take the stairs
Get of the bus / tube 1 stop early
Park two blocks away from the office
“Run” your errands
Stand instead of sitting (I have heard it burns more calories)
Pedometer & aim for 10,000 steps
Reminder in schedule to get up and more
Run / Cycle to work
Group exercise class
Schedule workouts like meetings
Join the most convenient gym possible (home gym?)
Sweat while / with your kids
Keep workout clothes handy
Date event with significant other / friends
Adding in some of these tips to your daily routine will have a significant impact on your health and wellness. Making you feel better and also have a positive impact on your mental well being and increase productivity at work.
The majority of the tips above, for both categories, apply to working from home during this time.
If you truly want to improve your health, lifestyle, increase strength, lose weight and improve flexibility, there are ways and methods that can help you.
As most of my clients are part of Lawless Health, in the beginning, it may feel like a hassle, it takes too much time or you are too tired at the end of a busy day. But after a couple of weeks you will find it has transitioned into your daily routine and question why you didn’t try it earlier.
Lawless Health clients also noticed an increase in productivity at work because they know they have a workout scheduled later that day.